


To raise awareness of digital tools available and which ones can support which purposes for NIS in the context of COVID-19, drawing from 5 country-level experiences in ESAR. Click here for the recording. 


We are pleased to share the joint call to Protect the Nutritional Status of the Most Vulnerable Women and Children across Eastern and Southern Africa from the effects of COVID-19  published on July 22, 2020, reaching out to All partners in the nutrition sector including Government, UN agencies, development partners, CSOs and researchers to come…


GNC-CT recently conducted a webinar that presented and discussed the case study on the use of cash and voucher assistance for nutrition outcomes in Somalia.

The case study was conducted as part of the wider initiative to develop guidance on the use of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) for nutrition outcomes. The case study reflects experiences…


Les Directives pour l'analyse des besoins humanitaires en matière de nutrition - projet pilote sont maintenant disponibles - veuillez les télécharger en suivant ce lien.


IASC briefing on the Impact of COVID-19 on women and girls, webinar recording published 8 July 2020. This webinar explored those impacts and strengthened understanding of gender issues in humanitarian action through real stories on the ground, shared by expert panelists, and an interactive discussion with participants.

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