


On the 11th of December 2019 the cluster system was activated in Burkina Faso for the initial period of six months.

The following clusters were activated:

•             Protection (led by UNHCR)

•             Shelter…


GNC in collaboration with RedR UK conducted a ToT training on training facilitation skills on December 4-6,2019 in Geneva. Fifteen participants comprising of GNC-CT  ,rapid response team (RRT) and Tech rapid response team (TechRRT) staff attended the training. The training will strengthen GNC’s capacity to effectively support country clusters on capacity…


GNC in collaboration with UNICEF ,EMOPS  and Action Against Hunger Canada, conducted a GBV Mainstreaming in Nutrition Training  on December 2 – 3, 2019 in  Geneva. A total of 18 participants comprising of key partners,  GNC helpdesk, Rapid Response Team (RRT) and Technical Rapid Response Team (Tech RRT) staff participated in the training.…


The Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) 2020 was launched on 4 December 2019. The GHO is the most comprehensive, authoritative and evidence-based assessment of world humanitarian needs. The global event was held in Geneva with simultaneous launches in Berlin, Brussels, London and Washington, D.C. These events are part of a global strategy to engage…


GNC would like to share a video made at the Center for Humanitarian Health at Johns Hopkins University. It is a 50 minutes video on Infant Feeding in Humanitarian Crises and it discusses the following topics:

•            Why does infant feeding matter in a disaster setting?

•  …

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