


Afin d'adapter sa formation aux besoins des acteurs en nutrition et/ou sécurité alimentaire et moyens d’existence, Bioforce a mis en ligne un petit questionnaire, qui ne prend que 3min seulement. Les résultats de ce questionnaire seront d'autant plus utiles que nous aurons des avis nombreux et variés. Nous vous remercions donc vivement par avance de votre…


Save the Children share with you a new video on experiences of using the MAMI Tool for programming (for MAMI Tool see: https://www.ennonline.net/c-mami). The vision for MAMI is that every infant under 6 months is nutritionally assessed and appropriately supported to survive and thrive, at every community and health-service contact.

In this…


The package for the implementation of the 2021 HPC package was released today.  The HPC package comprises:

A Step-by-Step guide to develop the HNO and HRP. The HNO and HRP templates. Complementary guidance on the Joint Intersectoral Analysis Framework (JIAF) for the HNO. Complementary guidance on Response Analysis, Objectives and Targeting for…

The time to act is now. The call to action published this week in The Lancet by the heads of FAO, UNICEF, WFP and WHO urge for a concerted action to protect child nutrition during COVID-19. In the absence of timely action, an additional 6.7 million children could suffer from wasting during the first year of the pandemic, leading to an estimated…


Dando continuidad a la Semana Mundial de la Lactancia Materna 2020, nos complace invitarlos al siguiente evento que hemos organizados para ustedes con el apoyo del Grupo Técnico de Trabajo de Alimentación del Lactante y el Niño Pequeño en Emergencias (ALNP-E) del Clúster de Nutrición Venezuela y de UNICEF Venezuela. Contamos con su asistencia y amplia difusión de…

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