


What is SENS?

At UNHCR, ensuring good nutritional outcomes in refugee populations is a priority. Our programmes rely on having good data to deliver effective and timely interventions to improve outcomes. UNHCR’s Public Health Section has collaborated with multi-sectors to develop guidelines for the crucial collection of nutritional and health information…


The Technical Rapid Response Team (Tech RRT) has advisors with expertise in CMAM, IYCF-E, SBC, Assessments and Surveillance, who are available to provide remote support to individual organisations or the collective nutrition response.

Thanks to our donors (USAID, SIDA, Irish Aid, Save the Children and UNICEF) financial support is available.



Conversatorio del Grupo Técnico de Trabajo de Alimentación del Lactante y el Niño Pequeño en Emergencias del Clúster de Nutrición Venezuela sobre Lactancia Materna y Alimentación Complementaria en la Semana Mundial de Lactancia Materna 2020

Miércoles 26 de agosto, 2pm VEN


We are happy to share the 2020 GNC Mid-year report, covering the period from January to June, inclusive. Thank you to all the nutrition clusters and sectors, partners, and donors who worked with us and the GTAM to make this work, and this report happen.

This year we decided to produce the report as a presentation rather than a document, hoping that this…


In light of Grand Bargain cash commitments, the Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC) initiated in 2019 work to build the evidence base and guidance on the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) for nutrition outcomes in emergencies. This work resulted in the Evidence and Guidance Note on the Use of CVA for Nutrition Outcomes. On 18 August, the Evidence and Guidance…

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