


The GNC website is ready to showcase the incredible work of Nutrition Clusters and the GNC partners around the world!

Please contact Shabib AlQobati <salqobati@unicef.org> and Magnat Kavuna <mkavuna@unicef.org> to get the access right to be able to share your stories, photos and other content.  Each publication should be…


The Global Nutrition Cluster, together with the SUN Secretariat, is working on three case studies on the collaboration at the national and sub-national level. This study should identify country-specific humanitarian-development nexus strengthening opportunities through the lens of those in need of immediate, medium- and long-term…


Thanks to the work of the Sphere global community, Sphere's guidance on the COVID-19 response is now available in 13 languages, including Bengali and Bahasa Indonesia. The expanded version of the same guidance, which includes other standard initiatives, has been revised to include a section on livestock (LEGS).

Read and download the guidance


For your information and wide dissemination, please find the new IASC-endorsed guidance documents to support the humanitarian response during the COVID-19 outbreak:

Checklist to Protect from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse during COVID-19 This checklist is to accompany the full IASC Interim Technical Note on Protection form Sexual Exploitation and Abuse…

The 60th edition of Field Exchange focused on the continuity of care (CoC) for treatment of children with wasting, providing a rich snapshot of programme experiences and research. Priority areas for action were identified in the editorial to address challenges in current ways of working.

In March 2020, five UN…

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