


Global Nutrition Cluster, UNICEF and Action Against Hunger Canada jointly developed the GBV and gender responsive nutrition programming training package. This training package has been developed based on the module 22 Gender and Nutrition of the Nutrition Harmonized Training Package based on experiences, new learning and updated IASC Gender Handbook and the IASC…


The infographics for the roles and responsibilities of the nutrition cluster/sector partners at national and sub-national levels are now available! 

This is a primary document to advise partners and countries on the expectations from the partners.


You are invited to join the following webinar hosted by UNICEF ESARO: World Health Assembly Resolution 69.9: Where are we on ending the inappropriate promotion of all foods for infants and young children up to the age of 36 months.

Date: Thursday 17th September, 3:00-4:30 pm Nairobi time/8:00-9:30 am New York Time

Register here https://unicef.zoom…


UNICEF-led clusters/AoR including GNC jointly organized a webinar – Accountability, Inclusion and Protection on 7th September. This webinar aims to share UNICEF’s institutional commitments and UNICEF-led clusters/AoR’s common approach to AAP, Disability and GBV risk mitigation integration into the HPC 2021.

 The webinar was participated by more than…


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IPC Acute Malnutrition Training in Kenya During COVID-19

Kenya is among the first countries to conduct an IPC Acute Malnutrition assessment in the context of COVID-19. Due to the ongoing containment measures (physical distancing, travel restrictions and reducing unnecessary movement), most of the…

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