


Last week, a lessons learned workshop with simultaneous translation in English and French took place to discuss the contents, limitations, and recommendations on how to further improve the Nutrition Humanitarian Needs Analysis Guidance and accompanying spreadsheet tool. These inputs will be reviewed for consideration in the next iteration of…


The GNC and RedR UK recently launched a partnership to collaborate on the development of content for the new GNC digital learning platform. The e-learning content to be developed will cover cluster coordination and information management competencies, based on existing NCC and IMO competency frameworks. Stay posted for more updates as the GNC makes content…


The GNC with the SUN Movement commissioned the review of opportunities and challenges for strengthening humanitarian and development linkages for Nutrition. As a result of this work three case studies were developed highlighting examples, challenges and lessons learned from the HDN work on Myanmar, Niger and Afghanistan. This work was complemented by a number of…


UNHCR has released a call for Expression of Interest for partners on the following topic:

Supporting the rollout of the multi-sectoral “IYCF friendly” framework for action for refugee situations and enhancing IYCF and IYCF-E capacity in refugee operations and refugee hosting communities.

Project Background:

A key component of UNHCR’s…


The Inter-Agency Evaluation on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls which formulates eight recommendations addressed to the IASC stakeholders, including the IASC Principals; the IASC Deputies Forum; the Operational Policy and Advocacy Group; and the Emergency Directors Group (EDG). It also contains a number of observations regarding the…

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