


Triage of COVID-19 Patients: IPC Monitoring and Facility Readiness for COVID-19 Thursday, May 21, 2020

Link to Video of Session

IPC Monitoring and Facility Readiness for COVID-19, Benedetta Allegranzi, MD, IPC Clinical & Technical Hub & Task Force, WHO HQ - Presentation Slides Monitoring Facility Readiness for COVID-19 in non-US…

Triage of COVID-19 Patients: Operational Considerations and Practical Examples  Thursday, May 14, 2020

Link to Video of Session

Practical IPC Considerations in the Fight Against COVID-19, Fernanda Lessa, MD, MPH, CDC - Presentation Slides Operational Considerations for Triage of Suspected COVID-19 Patients in non-US Healthcare…

Food and Nutrition Essentials in COVID-19 - Focus on Africa Thursday, May 14

  Links to presentations

Ben Embarek-COVID-19 Food safety concerns and virus origin Gertrude Avortri-Continuity of essential nutrition services in COVID-19 Joao Breda-Nutrition for infection prevention and the management of patients with mild infection John Appiah-…

This week we share the experience of UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO), with strategies to ensure continuity of nutrition services in these unprecedent times. UNICEF co-chairs with WHO the regional partners group that developed the Eastern and Southern Africa Inter-Agency Nutrition Guidance and works with regional economic…


The Global Nutrition Cluster in partnership with RedR and with funding from UNICEF has developed competency frameworks for Nutrition Cluster Coordination and Information Management. Each framework has twenty-one competencies in total that are arranged into four groups:

Sectoral competencies: these are competencies that relate to the sector which in…

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