


With the WHO declaring a global pandemic in March 2020 and a looming sense of uncertainty sweeping across many nations, the number of emergency nutrition assessments being conducted dried up overnight. The fear of COVID-19 spreading during household surveys meant many humanitarian organizations paused their surveys until they could better understand the risks and…


Can effective support for Social and Behaviour Change be delivered remotely? Is this possible during the COVID-19 pandemic? Will the nutrition programming see an improvement in results? These questions were on the minds of both the International Medical Corps (IMC) team and the GNC Technical Alliance’s Technical Support Team (TST) as…


The first inter-country call between wasting management technical working group chairs took place on Thursday the 22nd of April with 30 participants. During the call, the chairs of the global thematic working group on wasting and the simplified approaches group presented the work of their global groups respectively. The in-country working group chairs shared some…


The Alliance recently conducted a learning review to take stock of what actions the Alliance undertook in response to COVID-19. This review looked at the challenges, successes and perceived value of these actions. We welcome you to watch a presentation of the learning review findings or view the presentation slides. 


The GNC Technical Alliance will be hosting a satellite event as part of the GNC Annual Meeting in June (more details to come).  This session will include a Q&A panel with the Alliance Leadership Team.  Please submit your about the Alliance here, and we will do our best to cover them during this upcoming session. 

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