


MAMI Global Network launch MAMI Care Pathway Package. 

Tackling malnutrition is a global health priority, helping children both survive and thrive. A large proportion of infants under six months of age in the world are identified as malnourished (wasted, stunted and/or underweight) and are at increased risk of death, disease, and poor development.…


ENN’s 65th issue of Field Exchange was published in May 2021. 

This edition features a range of articles that describe programming experiences across a number of contexts. We include a special section on COVID-19 nutrition programming adaptations including around infant feeding in emergencies, articles that explore nutrition data for…


Learn about the work of the GNC Technical Alliance from January - March 2021 in this brief update.


The explosion at the Port of Beirut in Lebanon on 4 August 2020 caused widespread damage across the city, with initial reports of more than 170 people killed, 6,500 people injured, and more than 150 people missing. Early estimates were that the explosion had left more than 300,000 people with no shelter in the Greater Beirut Area.

The loss of livelihoods…


In a nutshell, “the Independent Panel has found weak links at every point in the chain of preparedness and response. Preparation was inconsistent and underfunded. The alert system was too slow — and too meek. The World Health Organization was under-powered. The response has exacerbated inequalities. Global political leadership was absent.”

The Panel is…

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