

Martha, our CMAM Advisor from Uganda, providing a Training of Trainers in Somalia   How We Prioritise Local Expertise

As part of our journey, the TST has identified some lessons learned around our efforts to prioritise local and regional expertise in the provision of technical support. Part of our learning was around exploring the value of contextual…


The Global Nutrition Clusters technical assistance platform – The GNC Technical Alliance – is excited to announce its new co-lead.

For the last two years, World Vision International fulfilled the important role of co-lead, helping to advance the Technical Alliance’s mission of delivering top-quality Nutrition in Emergencies (NiE) technical…


A 6.3-magnitude earthquake shook western Afghanistan in Herat, Badghis and Farah provinces on 7 October, with continuing aftershocks. More than 2,000 people have lost their lives with thousands more missing and injured. This has been one of the deadliest earthquakes to hit Afghanistan in years. Another 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Herat on the morning of…


The September newsletter is out. As like every newsletter, we have incredible resources to share with you, some new news and the introduction of three new GNC team members, well one is a (re)introduction, so don't scroll too quickly. Please share the newsletter widely and if you are not signed up yet, it's not too late, you can scroll down and sign up here.…

Life has changed so much. As women we are suffering a lot! Gender perspective for an improved multisectoral nutrition centric humanitarian response in Ethiopia

Up until the war started in northern Ethiopia, Melat (not her real name) a 22-year-old woman from Irob, led a normal life with her husband and her two-year-old daughter and was studying accounting on the…

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