


A summary with essential IYCF-E transit guidelines is available in Ukrainian here, and key messages here. The full guidance for feeding support of Infants and Young Children (under 2 years of age) in refugee and migrant transit settings in Europe is accessible in English here. 

For mothers needing to feed their babies whilst on the move…


Learn about the work of the GNC Technical Alliance from October to December 2021 in our latest update.


Honduras has one of the most unequal distributions of income and resources in the world, a population where more than half live below the poverty line. The country is characterized by inequitable access to land, insufficient food production, high unemployment and frequent exposure to natural disasters. Food insecurity and malnutrition…


In 2021 the GNC Technical Alliance’s Technical Support Team (TST) was requested to support SMART surveys in four drought-affected provinces in Southern and Central Angola. The assessment aimed to collect critical nutrition, health, IYCF (Infant and Young Child Feeding), and WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)…


There are many technical definitions and classifications involved in child wasting and many anthropometric ways of assessing and diagnosing it. Over time, the terminology has become very technical and specialized, with multiple classifications (global acute malnutrition, severe acute malnutrition, moderate acute malnutrition, marasmus, kwashiorkor) and diagnostic…

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