


The GNC is excited to share that Danka Pantchova has rejoined the team as GNC Capacity Strengthening Consultant. Danka will also be supporting as Coordination Helpdesk (francophone) for the next few months.

Danka is a holder of a master’s degree in Nutrition and Health from Senghor University of Alexandria (Egypt), and…


ENN 67th issue of Field Stories was just published this month, April 2022. 

This edition highlights the GNC and describes how an ongoing nutrition-smart programming approach was employed by the African Development Bank and harnessed as part of its COVID-19 response intervention.

You can download a pdf version here or click here to see the…


Cecile Basquin has recently joined the GNC team as an Emergency Response Preparedness consultant. Cecile will continue the ongoing GNC efforts on Emergency Response Preparedness (ERP) and her work will include updating our GNC ERP guidance, developing a workshop package to support country nutrition cluster coordination …


We are pleased to share the 2022-2025 GNC Advocacy Strategy that was developed to complement and support the implementation of the 2022-2025 GNC Global Strategy, particularly its Strategic Objective 3 (Building an enabling environment) but cutting across other objectives also.

The overall advocacy objective is to ensure adequate support at global…

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