


International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated every year on 3 December. It’s a time to recognize the rights and contributions of persons with disabilities and a challenge to all of us to consider how we can create more inclusive services and communities.

Roughly one in 10 children live with a disability, which can put them at greater risk of…

A lot went on in Quarter Three of this year at the GNC Technical Alliance. Some of the highlights include:

- Receiving and responding to 138 requests for technical support. In Quarter three the Alliance saw an increase in support for the NiS programming coming through, as well as more requests from South Asia and the East Asia/Asia Pacific regions.

- Our…

National guidelines on Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) or for Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) provide guidance to the Ministry of Health, UN agencies, and civil society organisations on how organisations on the treatment and management of malnutrition and aim to standardise the delivery of services within a country. …

The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) and more than a dozen international organizations have posted a joint statement describing the already dire and deteriorating food security crisis in the eastern Horn of Africa. The Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia drought response plans are only 50 percent funded despite escalating needs, severely limiting…


Depending on where you live, the leaves are falling or the trees and flowers are blooming. Here in the Global North, the leaves are beginning to fall, but later than usual. Clearly that has impacted us and as a result, our October newsletter is also falling a bit later. But we will not disappoint and have much to share with you, including a Global Focus on…

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