


Dear Subscribers, the UNSCN Secretariat has prepared a short questionnaire to understand the changes people are making in their everyday life due to the impact of COVID-19. The results will inform UNSCN publications which examine the consequences of COVID-19 on people’s food environments and look to help people adapt as well as possible. You can take…


Following an outbreak of COVID-19 GNC Coordination Team has developed and translated an operational guidance for the country coordination team on COVID-19, as well as additional tools to facilitate the work.

The Nutrition Coordination guidance in the context of COVID (version 3) is built around the cluster core functions and provides recommendations…


UNICEF-WHO-The World Bank released the Joint Malnutrition Estimates 2020 edition.

While COVID-19 grasps the world’s attention, let us remember there are still many malnourished children around the world.  They are vulnerable and at higher risk of being adversely affected by COVID-19 due to a weakened immune system, and also from secondary effects such…


Joint UNICEF and GNC statement, calling for the inclusion of children affected by wasting, in the list of highly-vulnerable groups, as it they may be at higher risk of COVID-19 related pneumonia. As many countries are developing COVID 19 response policies, strategies and programmes, weighing in the effects on public health and their economies, it is critical that…


We are happy to share with you that the Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies IYCF-E checklist is now available and will be piloted for the first time in Yemen and Pakistan.

The nutrition in emergencies checklist is a tool designed to help nutrition country clusters review and reflect on the service delivery aspect of the response. The…

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