

The GNC-CT and the GTAM are holding a second consultation on the GNC Capacity Building Strategy, covering the areas of cluster coordination, information management and technical NiE competencies. This consultation is targeting global nutrition partners and nutrition cluster coordination teams at global, national and sub-national levels. The consultation is a chance…

Le webinaire a eu lieu le mercredi 29 juillet à 14h00, heure de Genève. Il a présenté le contenu de la note d'information et d'orientation sur l'utilisation des transferts monétaires pour les résultats nutritionelles. 

The webinar took place on Tuesday 28 July at 14:00 Geneva time. It introduced the content of the Evidence and Guidance Note on the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance for Nutrition outcomes.

Tech RRT and partners invite you to four webinars supporting nutrition programming in the COVID-19 context With simultaneous French and Spanish interpretations available during the webinar!   Wasting Case Detection in the Context of COVID-19   A practical yet data-driven review of different anthropometric approaches for wasting case…

Led by UNICEF ESARO, to raise awareness of digital tools available and which ones can support which purposes for NIS in the context of COVID-19, drawing from 5 country-level experiences in ESAR. 

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