

Estimado/a colega,  El equipo del GNC-CT invita a los/las Coordinadores del Cluster/Sector Nutricional, deputy NCCs, y los/las Information Management Officers al seminario sobre la « Preparación para responder a las urgencias para los mecanismos de coordinación nutricional (ERP en inglés) ».  Esta en español, el jueves 22 de abril 2021…

  Le Programme National de Nutrition de la RDC, le Cluster Nutrition de la RDC et l’Alliance Technique du GNC vous invitent à un webinaire de partage d’expériences l'intégration de la nutrition dans la réponseà la COVID-19. Ce webinaire a pour but de présenter les activités et interventions de nutrition dans le contexte de la COVID-19 en RDC. Il…

The UNICEF Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean and the Global Nutrition Cluster Technical Alliance are pleased to launch the Webinar Series: Nutrition in Emergencies in the context of COVID-19 and migration. The objective of this webinar series is to strengthen the technical nutrition capacities of organizations involved in emergency responses in…

On February 23rd 2021, the GNC CT conducted two webinar entitled Emergency Response Preparedness (ERP) Planning for Nutrition Coordination Mechanisms for Nutrition Cluster/Sector coordination teams. The first webinar was in English and reached approximately 49 Cluster coordination mechanism colleagues from 30 countries. The second webinar was in…

Feb 22

Objective: The objective of this workshop is to define the GNC approach on Predictive Analytics for the forecasting of Nutrition outcomes. The GNC, under the auspicious of the GNC Technical Alliance, is embarking on a new initiative on Nutrition Predictions. When exploring the existing work in this area, there are several initiatives and projects looking at…


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