


Intersectoral Collaboration

Hi, I am Rachel Lozano the GNC’s new Intersectoral Collaboration (ISC) Helpdesk. The role of the ISC Helpdesk is to maintain regular interaction at a global level with other clusters, mainly WASH, Food Security and Health, but not limited to these, to align our approaches and continue to strengthen collaboration. 

I have 15 years of experience in nutrition in developing countries with a professional and academic background in nutrition and dietetics and a master’s degree in nutrition. After I was employed in a paediatric hospital in France, I worked with different humanitarian organisations, namely Médecins du Monde, Médecins Sans Frontières, Action Against Hunger, UNICEF and the International Committee of the Red Cross. During this time, I worked in various positions related to nutrition programming in emergencies from field to headquarters, including programme manager and field coordinator to senior nutrition advisor.

I have extensive experience in implementing and analysing nutrition surveys, CMAM and IYCF programmes, developing and delivering pieces of training, mentoring colleagues at the country level, food quality assurance and bringing food and nutrition security to the centre of programmes. This varied work portfolio has given me experience in both emergency responses and multi-sectoral approaches with strong collaboration at a global, regional and national level and with a broad range of actors working in nutrition, health, WASH and food security.

If you are interested in my support for ongoing ISC projects or if you are a country/cluster wanting to initiate an ISC approach you can request my support through our request form.


Rachel is hosted by UNICEF


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