


Coordination mechanism: Cluster
Year of activation: 2018 - official IASC activation 2021.
Coordination arrangement:
- National level: Office National de Nutrition (ONN) Lead, Ministry of Health (nutrition service), Co-lead, UNICEF Co-coordinatro
- Regional level: Office Régional de Nutrition (ORN) Lead and Direction Régionale de la Santé Publique (DRSP) Co-lead in the 3 southern regions of Madagascar (Anosy, Androy and Atsimo-Andrefana) and 3 regions in South East Madagascar (Atsimo-Atsinanana, Vatovavy, Fitovinany)
- District level: Service de District de la Santé Publique (SDSP) Lead and Office Régional de Nutrition (ORN) Co-lead in 21 districts in the 6 Regions

Country Key Contacts

Perrine Loock

Nutrition Cluster Coordinator ploock@unicef.org

Heritiana Rafenomanana

NIS and IM officer hrafenomanan@unicef.org

Raharijoana Haja

Chef de Service Suivi-Evaluation ONN haja.csse@onn.mg

RALAIMIADANA Andriamihamintsoa Rabenja

Chef de Service de la Nutrition Ministere de la Santé Publique benjandriamihamina@yahoo.com

Annual Report 2023

January - December 2023

Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP)- Flash Appeal
Current Challenges

The nutritional situation in the Grand South and Southeast of Madagascar remains concerning despite slight improvement.

In the Grand Southeast, it remains critical, especially for landlocked districts such as Nosy Varika and Ikongo. Classified as IPC 3 and above for several years, their MAG prevalence exceeded 10% in the SMART survey in May 2023. These two districts also require a multisectoral analysis of the root causes and effects of interventions, as well as the development of specific action plans, along with additional deployment of funds, humanitarian actors, and programs.

  • Resource and partner mobilization remain a challenge, especially for community-level actions, including MAM care.

  • Secure access to health centers and difficult-to-reach community sites is problematic. The development of a specific protocol for the treatment of high-risk MAM, following the new WHO guidelines, could be a better solution to increase coverage and ensure continuity of care and SAM-MAM treatment in the Southeast.

In the Grand South, during the latest SMART survey in April 2023, nearly half of the districts had a prevalence of acute malnutrition exceeding 10%, despite response and resilience activities carried out by the humanitarian community.

  • Anticipatory multisectoral actions need to be developed and coordinated to reduce the negative consequences of climate change on the nutritional situation in this drought-prone region. The ANJE U program, the strengthening of nutrition surveillance, and nutrition-sensitive resilience activities should be scaled up.

At national level

  • As the cluster/sector strategy in Madagascar focuses on localization, with increased leadership of local authorities and technical services, their capacity strengthening needs further support from all cluster partners at the local level. The developments in the ANJE U program, adolescent and women's nutrition, and the new WHO guidelines on the prevention and management of acute malnutrition necessitate the updating of the national protocol to ensure better coverage and continuity of care and SAM-MAM treatment.

  • The early warning system still needs improvement to ensure immediate scaling up of the response when needed and more precise targeting of the most affected areas.

Advocacy, Intersectoral Collaboration and Preparedness
Advocacy Survey
Country Advocacy Strategy developedNo
Link to document 
Advocacy activities included in annual work planNo
Specific WG leading advocacy work establishedYes
Contingency plan or ERP plan developed/updatedYes
Link to document 
Intersectoral Collaboration (ISC)
Intersectoral projects currently under implementationNo
Clusters engaged
Discussion in progress with WASH, Health and Food Security cluster for common targeting. 

Key Figures



Number of SAM under-five children in need
Number of MAM under-five children in need
Number of children 6-23 months in need of BSFP- Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme
Number of children 6-23 months in need of Micronutrient Powder Supplementation
Number of children 6-59 months in need of Vitamin A Supplementation
Number of PLW counselled (one-on-one) on IYCF
Number of PW in need of iron/folate supplementation
Number of moderately acutely malnourished PLW in need
Number of PLW in need Of BSFP

Total Partners


UN agencies


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