


TST Intern

Hi, I am Mike Nkhombo Khunga, a public health and nutrition specialist. Currently, I am working with the Global Nutrition Cluster Technical Alliance to support the coordination work of TST. My focus has been on developing country materials, uploading resources and developing tools for Moderate Wasting Initiative.

Prior to joining the Alliance, I gained diverse experience working in coordination with United Nations, the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement and Non-government Organisations. I have led nutrition projects in Malawi engaging government Ministries, Departments and Agencies, Members of Parliaments, Civil Society organizations and the media. Emphasizing coordinated nutrition programming, increased funding to nutrition and nutrition knowledge communication.

I am a youth champion with multiple youth awards and grants. I have implemented several nutrition projects empowering youths to lead nutrition intervention in Malawi communities. I represented youths during the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) and am currently a youth representative in the Scaling Up Nutrition Executive Committee (SUN ExCom). I am a Skilled communicator in policy analysis, nutrition advocacy, technical writing, youth engagement, networking, partnership and knowledge management.

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Mike is Hosted by Action Against Hunger Canada


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