


Cluster Coordination

Hello, my name is Inchi Jean-Jacques Mumbere Suhene, and I work as a Nutrition Cluster Coordinator in the GNC Technical Alliance’s Technical Support Team (TST), and am also part of the GNC Coordination Team. I provide coordination support to national Nutrition Clusters and Sectors through remote and physical deployments in different countries. It means providing timely support to GNC in effectively strengthening the capacities for country-level Cluster/Sectoral Coordination mechanisms to guarantee relevant and appropriate responses that meet the needs and priorities of at-risk and crisis-affected people.

The support through the Technical Support Team enables coordination mechanisms to: 

1. maximize quality and coverage of response
2. minimize duplication, gaps and risks
3. and continuously support stronger national leadership of coordination.

My background is as a Medical Doctor and I am a holder of a master’s degree in Public Health from Kinshasa University, and I am now PhD. Candidate in International relations and Diplomacy at IFG (Institut Francais de Gestion) I have accumulated more than 19 years of experience holding coordination and program management positions in several countries (Guinea Conakry, Cote d'Ivoire, India, Haiti, Liberia, Chad, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo).  Before joining the Technical Support Team, I worked with UNICEF as a Nutrition Cluster Coordinator in UNICEF country offices in the Chad Office, Cameroon and the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

Since starting in this role I have supported nutrition clusters/sectors in South Sudan and Madagascar both remote and deployed to strengthen the coordination mechanisms in the countries.  I like coordination, networking, representation, leadership, capacity building and facing new challenges are part of my personal motivation.

When not deployed I am based in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo with my wife, my three lovely daughters and my son.



Inchi is hosted by UNICEF. 


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