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2024 Theme: People, Technical Support, and Enabling Environments

The GNC’s Global Event will take place virtually from March 25–27, 2024 (12:00pm-4:00pm Central European Time). All nutrition practitioners, partner organizations, donors, and country-level clusters and sector partners are invited to attend. 

During this three-day virtual event, you’ll hear from a host of speakers from the GNC, partner agencies, and experts in the field of Nutrition in Emergencies (NiE) at the country-, regional-, and global-level. Together, we will center our conversations around the three core GNC objectives as stated in the GNC 2022-2025 Strategy: People, Technical Support, and Enabling Environments.

We will discuss seven emerging themes identified through our regional consultations, along with designated times for Q&A and networking each day. On day three, we will also discuss our decision to consolidate the GNC into one holistic support platform for Nutrition in Emergencies and share our ways of working in moving forward.

GNC Purpose: The Global Nutrition Cluster helps prevent and treat malnutrition in all its forms through strengthening the technical and coordination capacities of countries to prepare for, respond to, and recover from nutrition emergencies within humanitarian crises.


Theme 1: Localisation

  • Overview of what emerged from regional consultations
  • Partner presentation: IMC localisation Somalia
  • Partner presentation: Local and sustainable solutions to address nutrition needs during crisis with World Vision Sri Lanka
  • Overview of the GNC Anti-Racism and Localisation Working Group
  • Announcement of the GNC Localisation Roadmap

Theme 2: Nutrition in Emergencies (NiE) Financing Landscape and Donor Priorities

  • Introductions and overview of the 2024 financing landscape for NiE
  • ECHO Nutrition in Emergencies Priorities
  • USAID BHA Nutrition in Emergencies Priorities
  • FCDO Nutrition in Emergencies Priorities
  • Panel discussion

Theme 3: Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA)

  • An update from the GNC CVA Working Group
  • Q&A and panel discussion: Myanmar and Northwest Syria – Experience in Designing Operational Guidelines for CVA

Theme 4: Maternal and Child Nutrition

  • Women’s Nutrition:
    • An update from the GNC Gender and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Working Group 
    • Partner Presentation: Voices for Dignity and Rights – Gender/GBV in Nutrition Programming SCI and GNC (Global)
    • Partner presentation: A Systems Approach for Enhancing Adolescent Girls and Women’s Nutrition in Emergency and Development Contexts in Madagascar (French)
  • MAMI:
    • An update about the MAMI Global Network
    • Partner Presentation: Helping Babies Thrive through Strengthening Implementation of the MAMI Care Pathway, SCI (Global)
  • Infant Feeding in Emergencies:
    • An update about the IFE Core Group
    • Partner presentation: Integration of IFE into nutrition response efforts, Madagascar, MoH (French)
    • Partner presentation: IFE assessment guidance, FHI360 (Global)

Theme 5: Management of Wasting

  • An update from the GNC Wasting Working Group
  • Partner presentation: Adapting Integrated Community Case Management with Save the Children Somalia
  • Partner presentation: Outpatient Therapeutic Programming Outcomes in Northern Ethiopia with Medical Teams International
  • Partner presentation: Treatment of Wasting with UNICEF Colombia

Theme 6: Inter-Sectorality

  • Summary of regional discussions, current initiatives, and way forward
  • Partner presentation: Minimum Nutrition Interventions for Mobile Clinics/Rapid Response Mechanisms in Hard-to-Reach Areas (West and Central Africa Region)
  • Partner presentation: Mental Health, Food Security, & Nutrition – Integrating Evidence for Action (Global)
  • Partner presentation: Preventing Undernutrition in Food Insecure Settings – Enhancing Guidance (Global)

Theme 7: Nutrition in Emergencies (NiE) and the Climate Crisis

  • GNC Climate Crisis Working Group: recent achievements and upcoming work
  • GNC NIE and Climate Crisis scoping: presentation of initial analysis and feedback

Our Collective Way Forward (2024-2025 GNC Strategy)

  • The evolution of the Technical Alliance
  • Explanation of our support services
  • GNC Working Groups
  • Capacity strengthening opportunities with the GNC
  • Our collective way forward: 2024–2025 strategy
  • Launch of the new GNC website and how to engage with us

Visit the global event platform here to:

  1. Register for the event
  2. See the full agenda
  3. Review poster gallery guidance


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