


Capacity Development

My name is Danka and I am a member of the GNC Technical Alliance’s Technical Support Team supporting the areas of Coordination and Information management. In addition, I’m in charge of the GNC Capacity Strengthening portfolio. My role is to accompany the efforts of nutrition cluster/sector practitioners to build and maintain in-country coordination and information management capacities. One of my objectives is to promote the GNC E-learning platform as the main capacity-building tool for nutrition cluster coordination. I’m in charge of the delivery of the GNC blended training packages. Most recently I set up and delivered blended training on nutrition cluster coordination to Madagascar and Somalia. I’m currently supporting the launching and the improvement of the GNC E-learning Platform on AGORA.

I have a master’s degree in Nutrition and Health from Senghor University of Alexandria, Egypt. I have more than 8 years of field-level experience in Africa (Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia and Madagascar) and in Asia (Myanmar, India, Nepal) and 9 years of HQ-level experience as operational nutrition and health advisor for Afghanistan, Haiti, Zimbabwe, Yemen, and nutrition technical advisor Iraq, Kurdistan and Madagascar and nutrition technical advisor covering technical files as CMAM, nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions, nutrition surveillance and quality assurance of specialised nutritious food. I have been a consultant for Global Nutrition Cluster for one year as an Inter-cluster collaboration helpdesk. I have experience in emergency nutritional rehabilitation programming, nutrition surveillance, primary health care, emergency preparedness, and preventive approaches such as food aid, IYCF, and other NiE programmatic areas. Further, I’m an IPC Acute Malnutrition trainer, SMART & SQUEAC Trainer, Nutrition Security trainer, trained GNC mentor, and familiar with the cluster coordination role, activities, and tools, at the global and country level.

I’m a fluent English and French speaker, and a Russian user. I’m based in Paris, France.


​ Danka is hosted by UNICEF


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