

Coordination mechanism: Cluster-
Year of activation: 2021
Deputy: Deputy Nutrition Cluster Coordinator Recruited
IMO: UNV Recruited
Other: UNICEF NOB and NOC Nutrition Officers
Coordination arrangement:
Cluster Lead and 5 sub-national cluster platforms are led by UNICEF as cluster lead agency in the states of – Rakhine, Shan North, Kachin (Northeast), Southeast and the Northwest (Sagaing, Magway and Chin).

Country Key Contacts

Mabasa Farawo

Nutrition Cluster Coordinator mfarawo@unicef.org

Ei Ei Zar Nyi

Deputy Nutrition Cluster Coordinator ezar@unicef.org

Sai Boon Watt Sai

Information Management Officer sboon@unicef.org

Year-End report

January to December 2023


-The humanitarian sector in Myanmar continues to face a restrictive humanitarian operating space through various means. Among the most devastating is the non-issuance of travel authorizations to humanitarian actors by the de facto authorities and therefore curtailing humanitarian response activities.

Additionally, the requirement for humanitarian actors to register and be in compliance with the NGO legislative law will further limit humanitarian players from accessing the needy particularly those in hard-to-reach areas some of whom are controlled by non-state actors. Conflict and concomitant displacements, multiple roadblocks that restrict movement of humanitarian supplies will continue to place impediments to timely delivery of humanitarian aid. 

-There is a chronic lack of updated and representative nutrition focused assessment results in Myanmar. This makes it difficult to assess the extent of malnutrition in the country, hamstrung efforts to advocate for funding/ gauge any progress being made from the partners' response efforts and calculation of people in need for the HRP.

The conflict in Myanmar is increasing and causing a lot of displacements past the one and half million mark more than 60 percent of whom are in the Northwest. Additionally, the continued conflict has affected accessing the hard to reach and underserved communities and this worsened by denial of travel authorization by the authorities in the country/ increasing movement restrictions.

Funding for the HRP in Myanmar is sub-optimal by the end of 2022 HRP, just 14 percent of the projected financial needs were funded. The current level of funding the Nutrition Cluster slightly improved when compared to 2022 HRP to 16,1 percent of the total requirement.  

Myanmar faces a yet unresolved non-issuance of tax exemption certificate for the importation of life-saving therapeutic supplies. There remains a risk of pipeline breakdown in Myanmar as the tax exemption certificate creates an unpredictable lead time to supplies importation. 

- Limited resources and capacities of partners for nutrition in emergency response require competency-based training, coaching and mentoring



Advocacy, Intersectoral Collaboration and Preparedness
Advocacy Survey
Country Advocacy Strategy developedNo
Link to documentLink
Advocacy activities included in annual work planNo
Specific WG leading advocacy work establishedNo
Contingency plan or ERP plan developed/updatedYes
Link to documentLink
Intersectoral Collaboration (ISC)
Intersectoral projects currently under implementationYes
Clusters engaged
The Nutrition Cluster closely collaborated with the other clusters within the inter-cluster coordination group through holding regular meetings, update on the humanitarian situation and advocated for the needs in Myanmar either jointly or individually. The dearth of current and representative assessment results in Myanmar also enabled the Nutrition Cluster to collaborate within the ICCG to undertake the Multi-Sector Needs Analysis (MSNA) in order to accurately assess the needs of the humanitarian situation in the country.

Apart from this collaboration, the Nutrition cluster led in the establishment of a unique strategic advisory group plus (SAG+) which brings together all the humanitarian nutrition actors and actors in the development sector including SUN movement players. This has been done to strengthen the humanitarian development nexus and subsequent engagements will ensure the nexus is strengthened.

Accountability to Affected Populations is also an area where the nutrition cluster is working across sectors to ensure cross-sectoral response and meeting the multiple needs of vulnerable communities.

Finally, response to internally displaced persons in the Southeast Region has also been a platform where the cluster support a multi-faceted response approach to IDPs and therefore contributing to their wholesome needs being met.


Key Figures



Number of SAM under-five children in need
Number of MAM under-five children in need
Number of children 6-59 months in need of BSFP- Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme
Number of children 6-59 months in need of Micronutrient Powder Supplementation
Number of PLW counselled (one-on-one) on IYCF
Number of moderately acutely malnourished PLW in need
Number of moderately acutely malnourished PLW in need Of BSFP
Number of PLW in need of micronutrient supplementation

Nutrition Partners

Total Partners

UN agencies


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