


Coordination mechanism: Sector
Year of activation: 2006
Coordination arrangement: National and Sub National level coordination mechanisms in place

Country Key Contacts

Olivia Agutu

Nutrition Officer (OIC Nutrition Sector Coordinator) oagutu@unicef.org

Lucy Maina

Nutrition Specialist Information System and M&E lmaina@unicef.org

End year Report 2023

July to December 2023

Current Challenges

Food insecurity, with five failed rainfall seasons recorded and characterized by high food prices. While populations were still struggling with the effects of drought, the same affected communities were quickly plunged into flood emergencies and cholera outbreak further aggravating an already dire situation. In this regard, households are still struggling to access nutritious and affordable diets. 

Insecurity in key operational areas affecting access and service delivery. More so in regions with elevated GAM rates like Turkana South and East 

High morbidity amid stockouts of essential drugs affecting timely and adequate treatment, especially for children. 

New governance teams following elections in August 2022 and anticipated disruptions in service delivery as managers were moved and changes made across line ministries at national and sub national level. This affected operations in the first part of the year. 

Prevailing challenges like high levels of poverty and destitution especially related to massive livelihood losses amongst communities in the arid and semi arid lands 

Advocacy, Intersectoral Collaboration and Preparedness
Advocacy Survey
National Advocacy Communication and Social Mobilization Strategy launched. Yes
County contingency plans updated Link
Intersectoral forums leveraged: Kenya humanitarian partnership forum, Inter sector working group , County steering groups Yes
Advocacy working group in place Yes
Contingency plan or ERP plan developed/updated.Yes
Intersectoral Collaboration (ISC)
 Multi-sectoral response currently under implementationYes
Sectors engaged: food/cash, health, WASH, protection and education. 



Key Figures



Number of SAM under-five children in need
Number of MAM under-five children in need
Number of children 6-59 months in need of Vitamin A Supplementation
Number of moderately acutely malnourished PLW in need
Number of PLW counselled (one-on-One)on IYCF


Total Partners

UN agencies


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