


Action Against Hunger

Hi, I am Andi Kendle and I am the GNC Technical Alliance’s Technical Support Team Coordinator. 

In this role, I oversee the functioning of the Technical Support Team to ensure that providing (in-country) technical support is front and centre of what we do – and at the same time ensure it remains high quality, practical and cutting edge.  

To do this I support the TST in thinking through what is the best way forward when we receive a technical request, such as who will provide the support and how to make it as impactful as possible. I also spend my time focusing on the TST strategic priorities and direction, fundraising and engagement with key stakeholders in the NiE space, while also contributing to these areas for the Alliance. 

Recently I have been focusing on how the TST can strengthen our localisation approach, working more with local actors, and how we can provide support with locally available resources. Another area that has my attention at the moment is how cross-cutting themes related to Nutrition in Emergencies can be mainstreamed in our support and how we can help countries to do the same. We currently have work streams that will be kicking off for this purpose, so watch this space!

I have a BS in Biology and a Masters of Public Health from the Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. Before working with the GNC Technical Alliance and the Tech RRT (the predecessor of the TST), I have worked in the humanitarian sector for 20 years (how quickly time flies!) mostly in nutrition, but also in child protection, food security, and multisectoral work (emergency preparedness, informal education) across Africa, Asia and South America with agencies such as Action Against Hunger, Save the Children and UNICEF.

When I am not working, I am passionately planting trees for our permaculture project where we will hopefully convert traditionally farmed land into a productive food forest in Andalucía, Spain, where I live with my family.

Actiona against Hunger


Andi is hosted by Action Against Hunger Canada


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